

2013-05-20 @ 北勢國小 已有 856 次點閱北勢國小團隊 報導

Sona Pai一個來自印度的大學生,從2013年4月22日至5月21日期間,在台南市北勢國小擔任志工,Sona是北勢國小繼莊麗仙(馬來西亞籍)、Janka(斯洛伐克籍)第三位國際志工,她帶來了印度及阿曼兩國的文化介紹,也教學生跳印度舞,從影片中可以看出她認真的態度,學生們非常喜歡她,感謝Sona對北勢的付出,讓北勢的孩子們體會到不同於台灣的文化,從這次Sona的到訪,我們發現了學生已經能用英語與Sona做溝通互動,不需要老師幫忙翻譯,看來北勢的孩子已經習慣用英語做溝通的工具,跟當初我們預設孩子們能勇敢開口說英語的目標已經達成了,謝謝Sona!!

Sona Pai is a college student from India. From April 22 to May 21, 2013, Sona served as a volunteer at Bei Shi Elementary school in Tainan city. Sona is the third volunteer at Bei Shi Elementary after Lihshian Zhuang from Malaysia, Janka from Slovakia. Sona also introduced the culture of India and Oman and taught students Indian dance. According to the video, we realize her hard-working attitude. All the students love Sona so much. We appreciate Sona's contribution since she helped the students experience different culture. Through this opportunity, we also find that students can use English to communicate with Sona without teacher's translation. We believe that the students at Bei Shi Elementary School are used to talk in English. We have already achieved the goal to help the students to be brave to speak English. Thank you so much, Sona!!!


