
寫信給美國筆友 飄洋過海傳真情

2017-12-31 @ 新營新興國小 已有 4667 次點閱新興團隊 報導

今年的聖誕節特別的不一樣,我們透過美國Pauline老師的協助,與印第安那州Westland 學校的小朋友成為筆友。孩子們第一次用全英文寫聖誕卡片寄送到美國,大家的心情都很興奮,期待著遠方筆友的回信,這是一個很難得的經驗。我們的孩子在求學的階段,能有一個國外的好朋友當學伴,而且透過書信的往來除了傳遞彼此的祝福外,親筆的卡片除了感動,還多了一份溫度。這是國際教育的開始,讓我們一起擴展學生的國際觀,培養孩子的全球移動力。

Write letters to America pen pals, send wish across the sea
Christmas is so different this year, with the help of teacher Pauline, kids made pen pals with Westlane Middle School. It’s the first time they write letters in English to the USA, so everyone is excited to get pen pal’s reply. It’s a rare chance. We learn in school with a pen pal. Through the letter, we send our wish and kindness each other. It’s a beginning of international education. Let’s broaden students’ horizon, and cultivate their global mobility.


