
下營國中澳洲姐妹校Sunshine College校長Mr. Pitrakkou寄來的學校通訊

2018-06-26 @ 下營國中 已有 5902 次點閱下營國中教學團隊 報導

澳洲姐妹校Sunshine College 校長Mr. Pitrakkou寄來的學校通訊。再過3個星期,營中2018澳洲國際交流學習活動即將啟程,
我們將和Sunshine College North Campus交流,進行澳洲的中學課程,包含數學、體育、語文、音樂及科學。另外也將體驗洲澳洲當地的文化、食物及旅遊,感謝姐妹校即將到來的接待,也讓我們拭目以待吧!
A school newsletter from Mr. Pitrakkou, the principal of Sunshine College North Campus. The Australia international exchange learning activities will start 3 weeks later.
We will exchange with Sunshine College North Campus to conduct Australian secondary school courses including Math, Sports, EAL, Music, Phyical Education and Science Classes. In addition, we will also experience the culture, food and tourism in Australia. Let's wait and see!


